Who we are
The High Barnet Good Neighbour Scheme is here to help you. It is a warm and friendly voluntary service giving practical help to the elderly, sick and anyone finding it difficult to cope.
We were established over forty years ago to give the sort of help a neighbour might offer. This is available to anyone living in the EN5 (Chipping Barnet) area of Barnet.
We aim to support people living at home by offering practical help, transport, advice and friendship.
Help is given by volunteers and is a complimentary addition to all other professional agencies and services.
Financially assisted by Age UK and by local charities.
Registered Charity 288318
How we can help
Our Services
Our transport service has resumed for medical appointments only.
This includes: Hospitals, Doctors, Dentist & Chiropody appointments. Sometimes we are able to take you to other destinations too.
A small donation towards petrol is warmly received.
We are hoping to resume our gardening service from April 2023.
If you can’t manage your garden and you are over 65, we may be able to help by providing you with one of our volunteers to attend to it. This is generally a once per month tidy-up.
If you need a gardener on a more regular basis, we can recommend a few Gardeners who charge reasonable fees.
Prescriptions & Shopping
We can collect your prescriptions either from the Pharmacy or your Doctors and deliver directly to you at your home address.
We can arrange for your shopping to be done once a week if you are unable to go out.
Alternatively, we can pick you up and drop you at the supermarket and collect you and your shopping once you have finished.
Social Events
Occasionally we arrange outings and events for our clients.
This includes Fish & Chips, Quizzes and Afternoon Teas. These turn out to be most enjoyable afternoons & a wonderful way to make new friends. Transport is all provided by our volunteers.
If we can’t help you ourselves we will try to put you in contact with someone that can.
There are plenty of local activities that you may be interested in; Coffee mornings, Tai Chi Classes, baking classes, walking groups, football, hairdressers, gardeners, cleaners, book clubs and life planning services.
We can also help you with completing difficult forms, like disabled parking applications etc.
Are you feeling lonely & without much support from your family and friends? Are you home alone for weeks at a time without much contact with the outside world? Perhaps you are unable to go out because you are housebound, or you just find the whole experience totally exhausting? We could match you to one of our befriending volunteers whom are warm & friendly.
Our befriender will happily visit you in your home and have a natter over a cup of tea & listen, or take you for a walk to stretch your legs. If you have any worries or insecurities about anything the volunteer might be able to reassure you or find the relevant help through us here at Good Neighbours. Generally they will make you feel you are not alone and have support. All our Befriending volunteers act with confidentiality and sensitivity & are all DBS checked.
Please do contact Good Neighbours if you feel you would like a befriender.
Get Involved
Can you help us?
Would you like to join our team & become a driver?
Or a befriender to perform neighbourly services for our clients? Then please do get in touch. You don't need to have any special training, just be caring and friendly.
It's a great way to know our local community better. Expenses are paid and there is no minimum commitment.

Get in contact
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10:00-13:00
Answerphone out of hours
Church House, Wood Street, Barnet
020 8441 5678